“Physical activity was also a form of therapy for them and a break from what was happening in their homeland, what they left behind on the other side of the border. They could express their emotions through sport,” says Father Marcin Jarzenkowski, parish priest of St Luke the Evangelist and St Florian the Martyr in Łódź, formerly bursar at the Łódź seminary.
“When we received information about Russia's attack on Ukraine and thousands of people fleeing from endangered areas, we immediately knew that we wanted to help. Almost immediately, the Polish Association of the Deaf contacted us and asked whether we would provide shelter to deaf people who had to flee from the war. We managed to find approximately 30 places for our guests. Only after arriving it turned out that among them were Paralympic athletes and representatives of Ukraine in badminton for the deaf,” says Fr. Marcin Jarzenkowski.
The Higher Theological Seminary in Łódź provided the Ukrainian national team of deaf badminton players with shelter and opportunities to prepare for the Paralympics in Brazil.
“I had very close contact with Ukrainian athletes. I saw how important it was for them to be able to continue developing their sports passion, pursue their dreams and prepare for the Paralympics. Physical activity was also a form of therapy for them and a break from what was happening in their homeland, what they left behind on the other side of the border. They could express their emotions through sport Ukrainian athletes lived with us all year round. I think it helped us rediscover how many Gospel values are hidden in sport and what barriers it helps to overcome. This is an important pastoral experience for future priests. When the news spread around the city that athletes who were preparing for the Olympics were living here, many people offered support. Thanks to the Governor, we found sponsors who provided professional exercise equipment,” adds Fr. Jarzenkowski.